Operation Manual

and internet connection may experience a sluggish performance. For this reason we
recommend you to set a maximum to this download speed.
Although Transmission has UPnP support, it is possible you have to open the
Transmission port manually on your modem or router in case your modem or router
does not support UPnP functions. The used port can be found at the settings page of
Transmission and can also be changed. Refer to the manual of your modem or router
how to open ports if necessary.
In case you are using the EM7380: Make sure the USB hard disk is not disconnected
while the media player is downloading. Disconnecting the USB hard disk while
downloading can result in corrupt downloads and a non working Transmission module.
17.0 Using the Smart Remote app (Android) &
Smart Control app (iOS) to control the media
It is possible to control the EM7385 & EM7380 by using your Android and iOS devices
(smartphones and tablets). During the following steps we will describe how to use the
specific app.
Note: Your Android or iOS device needs to be connected to the same (local) network
as the media player is, to be able to control the media player using the smart control
17.1 Smart Remote for Android
1. Visit the ‘Play Store’ using your Android device.
2. Search for ‘Smart Remote’.
3. If correct, the (free) Smart Control (from V One Multimedia) app is available.
4. Download and install the app.
5. Open the Smart Remote app.
6. Select ‘Input Address’.
7. Fill out the IP-Address of the media player at the ‘Set remote IP’ field.
8. Press the ‘Connect’ button.
9. If correct, a remote control display will be shown. At the top of the remote control
display you should see the connected IP-Address.
10. You are now able to control the media player using your Android device.
17.2 Smart Control for iOS devices
1. Visit Apple’s ‘App Store’ using your iOS device.
2. Search for ‘Smart Control’.
3. If correct, the (free) Smart Control (from V One Multimedia) app is available.
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