User's Manual

Saving names and numbers (start with international prefix,
e.g. +44 for UK).
Enter menu in standby modus (Standby-Modus: chapter 5)
, then , , , Æ Menu-Points: Search name, Add
contact, Own Number, Emergency numbers (add, change,
delete, status on/off), Copy All, Edit Contact, Delete,
Storing phone book entries
(Name & Number):
Enter menu with
Æ continue to Phone book: , , ,
Æ continue to Add contact: , ÆEnter name via the
keypad (See chapter 8, Write SMS for text entry),
, ÆEnter
and to Save.
Searching phone book entries
Open the phone book with
Scroll through the entries with
and . Or:
Search names: enter the initial letters of the searched name
via the keypad (scroll through with
). When the requested
name is shown, press
to start a call.
You can store a total of 5 emergency numbers (family,
neighbours, friends, emergency services). In case of
emergency these preselected numbers will be dialed
automatically in a sequence, if the emergency key on the
back of the phone gets pressed and held.
A continuous warning tone then starts in “loudspeaker mode”
during emergency, so you and people nearby are warned
due to the emergency! If the first number cannot be reached,
the second number will be called automatically. If the second
number in row cannot be reached, the third will be called.
(max. 3 rotations of the 5 numbers).
Note: To avoid getting caught on a mailbox, the reached
person has to confirm your emergency by calling back.
If no emergency number is saved or if your calling card has
expired or you have no access to a foreign network (e.g.
roaming not permitted), 112 will be dialed.
Saving emergency numbers: Enter menu Æ Phone book Æ
Emergency numbers Æ Add emergency number Æ
choose Emergency number (1-5) Æpick contact from phone
book Æ done
Note: select emergency number: private number (has to
confirm as explained above) or official service number, f.i.:
ambulance, police, etc. (no confirmation call required).
Switch emergency function On / Off: In menu Phone book
Emergency numbers Æ Status Æ On / Off.
Note: If you want to save emergency numbers from official
services, police, fire department, etc., you have to clarify this
with the certain institution. No liability will be assumed for
possible costs incurred if you dial accidentally.
SMS (Short Message Service) are written messages with a
maximum of 160 characters.
Receive SMS:
A short signal and a registration on the
display inform you about a new, incoming SMS message.
you can read the message immediately or see a list
of messages which have already been received in the menu
Messages Æ
SMS Æ Received SMS.
Write SMS:
Enter menu with Æ Messages Æ SMS Æ
Write new SMS: The text entry is done by the keypad.
(e.g. 2x
, 2x , 3x , 3x , 3x for Hello).