User's Manual

Table Of Contents
1458-A-1101 / 1458-A-1300
FWS flight warning system
GES ground earth station
GPO Government Printing Office
HGA high gain antenna
HMI human machine interface
HPA high power amplifier
hr hour
Hz Hertz
I/O input/output
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IM interactive mode
in-lb inch-pound
IOR Indian Ocean Region
IPC iIlustrated parts catalog
IPL illustrated parts list
ISDN integrated services digital network
JAA Joint Aviation Authority
kbps kilobits per second
kg kilogram
LED light emitting diode
LES land earth station
LGERS landing gear extension/retraction system
mA milliampere
MAX maximum
MCU modular concept unit
MEL minimum equipment list
MES mobile earth station
MHz megahertz
mm millimeter
MP middle plug
MPDS mobile packet data service
MTOSS maintenance
task oriented support system
Nm newton meter
No. number
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5 Oct 2012
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.
Interim DRAFT for FCC Approval Purposes
Do Not Use for Maintenance