User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Page TC–2
18 September 2007
eNfusion™ HSD-128 High-speed Data Terminal
2. Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACSE Access Control and Signalling Equipment
ACU Antenna Control Unit (also known as BSU or Driver)
AERO Aeronautical
AMBE® Advanced Multiband Excited Coding
AWG American Wire Gauge
BRI Basic Rate ISDN
b/s Bits per second
BSU Beam Steering Unit (also known as ACU or Driver)
CCW Counter Clockwise
CMT Commissioning Maintenance Terminal (Honeywell)
CW Clockwise
DLNA Diplexer/Low-Noise Amplifier
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
GND Ground
HGA High Gain Antenna
HPA High Power Amplifier
HSD High-speed Data Terminal
HSD-X High-Speed-Data SATCOM Transceiver Extension
Hz Hertz
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICD Interconnect Drawing
INS Inertial Navigational System
I/O Input/Output
IRS Inertial Reference System
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
kbps Kilobits per Second
LES Land Earth Station
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LSV Low Speed Voice
Mbps Megabit per second
MCDU Multifunction Control Display Unit
MCU Modular Concept Unit
MES Mobile Earth Station
MPDS Mobile Packet Data Services