User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Page 1–23
18 September 2007
eNfusion™ HSD-128 High-speed Data Terminal
(e) HSD Antenna Interface
1. Stand-Alone Mode and Multi-Channel Configuration
In Stand-Alone installations, the HSD interfaces to any mechanically steered,
conformal-array, or phased array, ARINC 741-compatible, antenna
subsystems. The antenna-pointing commands and status messages are
communicated between the HSD and antenna subsystem over ARINC 429,
Multi-Control, Top/Port and/or Starboard BITE and HPA mute busses, as
defined in ARINC 741 Part 1.
2. Non-Stand-Alone Modes
In Non-Stand-Alone installations (Combined, Cooperative, and Selective
Modes), the ARINC 741 SATCOM SDU controls the satellite selection and
antenna pointing. The HSD monitors traffic on the Multi-Control, BSU, and
HPA mute busses to determine which satellite is used for the HSD’s channel
card(s) communication links. In Cooperative Mode, the HPA command and
status messages are communicated over the crosstalk lines.
(f) Antenna Subsystem RF Interface
In all installation modes, several external system RF parameters (such as cable
losses and antenna gain) are delimited to ensure that the HSD performance
requirements are met. Refer to
"Installation" on page 3-1 for a definition of these
parameters and their expected values.
(g) RF Splitter: Non-Stand-Alone Mode Installations
In Non-Stand-Alone installations, an RF splitter must be installed to split the RF
Receive signal from the antenna subsystem’s DLNA between the Aero H Radio
Frequency Unit (RFU) and the HSD. (Refer the applicable section of
on page 3-1 for specifications.)
(h) HSD Remote Status Panel (Optional)
The outputs to the optional “Remote Status Panel” provide a visual indication of
the operational status of the HSD; they “mirror” the LRU’s front panel LEDs
labeled as Power (LED1) and Fault (LED2) as defined in
Table 1–19. Refer to
"Installation" on page 3-1 for detailed installation and circuit requirements.
(i) HSD Fault Conditions
A failure in the HSD may be due to a number of fault conditions. Upon detection
of a fault condition, the HSD activates its red, Fault LED. The potential fault
conditions are:
Channel Card fault
Table 1–19. HSD LED Output Designations
Label LED Color Indication Description
LED1 Power Green Power On: HSD supply voltage is active.
Flashes at 1 Hz when the HPA is transmitting
LED2 Fault Red Fault: Fault condition as described in "HSD
Fault Conditions" on page 1-23