User's Manual

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eNfusion™ HSD-X and HSD-Xi High-speed Data Terminal
23-15-30 5-4
8 MAY 09
Load new software with a laptop or computer connected to the maintenance port of the
HSD-Xi terminal, using the EMS Loader application.
Load new software with a laptop or computer connected to the maintenance port of the
HSD terminal, using the EMS Loader application.
NOTE: Refer to the applicable software release note or service bulletin for a specific list
of the software files that need to be loaded. If in doubt, verify with EMS SATCOM
Product Support that the software version being loaded is the latest release.
This section describes how to load channel card software to HSD-Xi terminals using the
EMS Loader.
To load channel software:
1. Remove power from the HSD-Xi terminal.
2. Connect a computer to the maintenance port of the HSD-Xi terminal.
3. Turn on the computer.
4. Save the EMS Loader application file (ADT_LOAD.exe) to the same folder on
your computer that contains the software files.
EMS SATCOM recommends that you create a folder named HSD Load in the
root directory and save the load program file and the software files to this folder.
5. Apply power to the HSD-Xi terminal.
6. Close all other applications running on the computer. The load program will not
execute successfully if other programs are using the COM port.
7. In the HSD Load folder, double-click ADT_LOAD.exe.
The EMS Loader opens in a DOS window, displays the Load Target menu, and
prompts you to select a target for the software.
8. To load all software on channel card 1, type 22.
9. Press ENTER.
The EMS Loader prompts you to select a COM port.
10.Type the COM port connected to the HSD-Xi terminal, and then press ENTER.
The EMS Loader prompts you to type a filename.
11. Type Swift64-PR-9140-x.xx-config.hex, and then press ENTER.
The prompt asks if this is RF control software for TAL2 (channel card 1).
12.To choose the default, N (No), press ENTER.
The EMS Loader continues to prompt for the next filename.
13.Type the following file names one at a time, press ENTER after each one, type
Y or N, and then press ENTER again.
Swift64-PR-9140-x.x.x-cpumain.hex, ENTER, N, ENTER
Swift64-PR-9140-x.x.x-release.hex, ENTER, N, ENTER
Swift64-PR-9140-x.x.x-tmsc33.hex, ENTER, N, ENTER
Swift64-PR-9140-x.x.x-tmsc64.hex, ENTER, N, ENTER