User Manual Part 1

Page 2-19
16 Sep 2015
JetWave™ System
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.
Figure 2-8. View of H Plane and E Plane Bends
(5) Connecting the TMA interface, KRFU Power, and Control Interface
Power and control signals for the TMA assembly is supplied from the KANDU and
connected to TMA J2 receptacle. Install location of KANDU is airframe specific. KANDU
could be installed in unpressurized area near the tail empennage of the aircraft or inside
pressurized area of the aircraft. In case of KANDU install location is inside pressurized
location, the KANDU to KRFU and KANDU to TMA interconnect may be routed through a
Bulkhead Interface connector.
Control signals for the KRFU is supplied from the KANDU and is connected to KRFU J2
receptacle. 115 VAC power supply for KRFU is supplied from aircraft power and is connected
to KRFU J1 receptacle. IF TX and IF RX signals to KRFU are supplied from Modman. Refer
to the TMA interconnection diagram Figure 2-33 for details.
(a) Remove the protective covers from the TMA J2 and KANDU J2 receptacles. Visually
spect connectors an
d make sure that the pins are straight and not damaged.
1 Clean the connectors with the contact cleaner and connect the cable assembly for
tail mount from KANDU J2 receptacle to TMA J2 receptacle.
2 Make sure that the over braid of the cable assembly is terminated to connectors at
both TMA and KANDU ends.
(b) Remove the protective covers from the KRFU J2 and KANDU J3 receptacles. Visually
spect connectors and make sure that the pins are straight and undamaged.
1 Clean the connectors with the contact cleaner and connect the cable assembly for
tail mount from KANDU J3 receptacle to KRFU J2 receptacle.
2 Make sure that the over braid of the cable assembly is terminated to connectors at
both KRFU and KANDU ends.
(c) Remove the protective covers from the KRFU J5 and KRFU J6 receptacle
s. Visually
inspect connector ends and make sure that there is no debris in central connector cavity.
1 Clean the connectors with the contact cleaner before connecting.
a TX-IF connects from the Modman through the bulkhead J4B to KRFU J5.
b RX-IF connects from the Modman through the bulkhead J3B to KRFU J6.
2 Make sure that the TX-IF coax cable is banded blue and RX-IF coax cable is
banded green at connector ends.