User's Manual

CI Wireless Inc. 1211 Ira E Woods Ave 5
Tel: 817 416 0583 Grapevine, TX 76051
The EkoCel™ Fiber Optic Microcell System will support CDMA, PCS 1900, IS-136 or
AMPS system formats. EkoCel provides system coverage enhancement by remoting
the base station RF receive and transmit via a fiber optic connection to a location
requiring coverage. EkoCel is designed to meet or exceed applicable base station and
FCC emission standards. The EkoCel enhanced specifications provide minimal impact to
the overall system performance. EkoCel is comprised of two major components the
Microcell (Remote) Unit, which is remotely located in the area being provided service
and the Hub Unit, which is located at the base station. EkoCel will support multiple RF
channels on all PCS system formats and up to 24 channels for AMPS Cellular. Several
options are available including, Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM), diversity receive,
battery back up and duplex interface at the base station. EkoCel is supplied in all of the
PCS bands A to F and is also available in a dual band operation configuration. The dual
band unit will support both 1.9 GHz PCS and 800 MHz Cellular system over the same
fiber optic cable.
EkoCel is designed to meet the service provider requirements for Operations,
Administration, Maintenance and Performance (OAM&P). Alarm and control of the
system is accessible at the Microcell hub, remote unit or via a telephone (wire or
wireless) modem connection. Relay contacts also allow the user to remote the alarms
with the base station alarm system with user defined contacts. This allows the service
provider to have instant alarm notification at the Network Operation Control Center
(NOCC) without additional specialized hardware and software, commonly referred to as
an Element Management System. This provides simplicity and cost savings to the user.
Both the hub and the microcell remote are equipped with a display and function keypad
allowing the user easy access to alarms and system controls without additional
equipment. Three levels of security are provided to prevent unauthorized access to the
EkoCel has a patent pending self-set up and system control feature that will allow the
system to automatically set up for the user defined system requirements. EkoCel
automatically adjusts gain and power based on the number of RF channels, system
format, system input power and optical loss. The system continues to monitor system
performance and alert the user of any system changes that requires additional real time
EkoCel was developed specifically for use as a fiber optic microcell. It specifically
addresses the problem of system set up which has always been an issue with fiber optic
systems. The patented closed loop control system provides for long term changes in the
fiber optic system that occurs without continued maintenance monitoring. Since the
microcell is a remote antenna interface the design is specifically tailored for this
application. The up link amplifier has a low noise figure and a high 3
order intercept
point. The downlink signals are coupled from the base station and do not require