User's Manual

EMS Wireless
EMS Wireless EkoMini Manual
STEP 3. Testing the Reporting.
A. Testing the remote alarming. test report 1
Note: Before logging off the unit, it is advisable to test the configuration. By
issuing a test report 1 command, the unit will log the user off and try to
send an alarm code to the Report 1. If there are no alarms, it will send a 0.
Keep Alive Functionality
Theory of Operation:
The EkoMini's Keep Alive can be set up to function in one of various
formats. The unit can either be reactivated for an additional 24 hours by (1)
either dialing out and send the site location and alarm string to a computer
or (2) it can expect to receive a call and will report site location and alarm
status. If there is a failure of communication with the remote computer the
unit WILL SHUTDOWN and report alarm condition if possible. The unit will
then need to have it's power cycled or reactivated by the remote computer
if the unit can be contacted (should the deactivation be related to power
failure, telephone line out, etc. at the remote computer location).
Setting up Keep Alive:
STEP 1. Connect to Unit.
STEP 3. Confirm Activation.
STEP 4. SET KTYPE --- Dial or answer
STEP 5. SET KMESSAGE --- What to send. If ASCII is selected the unit
will attempt to connect and send a status screen.
STEP 6. SET KRING --- Modified ring amount used for line share purposes
STEP 7. SET KDIAL --- the Telephone Number to try to contact.
STEP 8. Set KRTRY --- Number of retries before alarming/shut down
STEP 9. TEST REPORT KADIAL --- Test the Keep Alive Telephone
Important Notes:
IF Keep Alive is set to Active and IF UNIT IS NOT CONTACTED IN 24
Hour time period IT WILL SHUTDOWN.