User's Manual

Installation 2-14
DataNex EMS Wireless, DATA-20 Digital Radio
Tx Transfer:
OFF: Turns Transmitter Transfer Mode OFF.
Rx Transfer:
OFF: Indicates the receivers are not switched.
In the QAM Radio TX Control menu:
QAM Radio Tx Control
TX Radiate
Tx Radiate:
ON: Configures the Transmitter to always RADIATE. TP64 Settings
The TP64 software settings are contained in the internal firmware. Aside from the front panel
RADIO A/B Master Select (as described above), there are no user-configurable settings in the
TP64 unit.
2.9.3 Hot Standby Control with Single Unit DATA-20 Software Settings
The full array of available settings for the Control and Configuration menus are located in Section
3—Operations. Shown here are the applicable settings for single systems.
Clock Settings
All controls and indications can be found on the DATA-20 front panel LCD display (located in the
QAM Radio/Config/ModA or ModB Menu).
QAM Interface
Tx In Clock
Clk Phase
Control Settings
These settings configure the transmitter for hot (or cold) standby.