Use and Care Guide

Cleaning Unglazed Porcelain and Ceramic
Unglazed products are highly desirable due to their double loaded and throughbody characteristics. Polished
finishes are typically protected by nano and/or wax coatings and are resistant to water, chemicals, and scratching.
Matte and textured finishes are generally unprotected and although the surface is impervious, it may be more
difficult to clean post install than a polished surface due to the inherent surface characteristics of these finishes on
a micro pore level.
Always Remember:
Do not clean porcelain tile flooring with ammonia or with cleaners that contain bleach and/or acid. Acid
and ammonia based cleaners may modify grout color and product stability.
Use a cleaner that is pH neutral. This ensures cleaning will not harm your grout or surrounding surfaces.
Do not use wax or oil-based cleaners.
Use rugs at entrances to prevent dirt and grit from being tracked onto the tile flooring from outdoors. Tiles
are scratch resistant but not scratch proof.
Do not use steel wool or other abrasive pads to remove tough debris or stains. Steel wool may scratch
your tiles and loose steel particles may eventually create rust stains in the grout over time.
Nano coatings should remain intact post install for added protection. However, if electing to remove nano
coatings, a nano scrub or poultice type product may be used. Ask a sales associate for details.
Although unglazed surfaces are impervious, the use of a grout release will aid in post install clean up,
especially if the unglazed surface has a matte or textured finish to it where construction debris can get
trapped during grouting. Sealing may also be recommended post install to aid in day to day maintenance
of these surfaces.
o It is suggested that a breathable penetrating sealer be applied to matte unglazed surfaces after
grouting. This treatment provides an excellent defense against staining and may be desirable in
high traffic areas. Follow the sealing manufacturer’s guidelines for recommendations on how
often a sealer should be reapplied.
Standard Cleaning Guidelines for Unglazed Products
1. Sweep or vacuum loose dirt and dust from the floor prior to washing with water to prevent the tile from
becoming muddy or leaving a residue after cleaning. On textured surfaces sweep in multiple directions to
ensure the removal of all foreign material that might be residing in the textured surface. For wall surfaces
tile can be gently wiped down with a clean, dry cloth or rag.
2. Mop the floor with a mild detergent, degreaser, or tile cleaning solution. For textured floors, the use of a
medium bristle brush is recommended. A sponge or clean cloth can be used to apply the cleaning agent to
wall surfaces.
3. Rinse the tile thoroughly with clean water to remove any left-over detergents.
4. Drying with a clean cloth or rag is recommended to increase the shine and to prevent water spots or