User`s manual

Here you can Play / Delete / Rename / Sort / Edit a recorded
2 Title Lists Here lists all recorded titles. Here you can see thumbnail /
length / quality / recorded channel / recorded date & time of a
A sign shows this recorded title has not been watched.
A sign shows this title is being recorded now.
3 Information Here you can see a playback progress bar of a title, the
remained free space of HDD, and remained recording time of
each quality.
4 Preview Shows the preview window.
5.2 Playing Back Titles
To play a recorded title, do the following:
1. Press the left / right button on the remote control to select the Play tab from the menu
2. Press the up / down button on the remote control to select the title you wish to play.
3. Press the enter button on the remote control to play the file.
4. Press the stop or the back button on the remote control to stop playback and return to the
Title List menu screen.
5.3 Deleting Titles
To delete a title, do the following:
1. Press the left / right button on the remote
control to select the Delete tab from the
menu bar.
2. Press the up / down button on the remote
control to select the title you wish to delete.
3. Press the enter button to confirm and
delete the file.
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