Operation Manual

Movie Preview
- Select to turn on / off movie preview in the browser menu.
3.1.9 Changing Media library Settings
Use this menu to set the scan folder, update media library and media library mode.
Select Scan Folder
- Select the scan folders from HDD or external USB device.
Update Media Library
- Press to update media library.
Media library Mode
- Press to select media library mode. You can set off/auto/manual mode from USB/HDD.
Off: When you set off mode, system will turn off media library and won’t scan media library.
Auto: When you set auto mode, system will update media library after you turn on the
Manual: When you set manual mode, you need enter into Update Media library and
select update by manual.
Note: System only scan the folders what you have selected. System default to scan all of the
folders. It will take some time to scan all of the folders.
3.2 Music Playback
Enter music interface, only supported audio files and folder will be displayed. This player
supports MP3, WMA, and OGG audio files.