User's Guide

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Document # E.0015.16.02 406985
To implement Instant Home arming, press the HOME button on the
keyfob. To implement Instant Away arming, press the AWAY button on the
keyfob. (Note
: Home and Away arming from keyfob will always be in
Instant mode.)
To disarm the system, press the OFF button on the keyfob.
To turn ON the appliance(s) for which the specific keyfob is programmed,
press the AUX button on the keyfob. (The system will automatically turn
OFF the appliance(s) in question after a preprogrammed interval of time.)
For all of the above functions in this section, the red LED on the keyfob
will flash when the button is pressed, and the green LED will flash when
confirmation is received from the system.
: In all types of arming by keyfob, if the system is not ready, the
green LED will not
flash, and the system will not be armed.)
To summon assistance by means of a Panic alert, press the PANIC
button on the keyfob. The system will transmit a "Panic" alert to the
monitoring station.
3.3.7 Telephone Operation
The arming, disarming and alert functions described in Sections 3.3.1 –
3.3.4 above, as well as activating and deactivating X10/PGM auxiliary
appliances, can be implemented by means of a cordless or remote
telephone, from within or outside the building. In addition, the telephone
can be used to obtain system status reports.
To implement an arming or disarming function, dial the telephone number
of the alarm system. The system will respond with an "Enter ID" voice
prompt. Enter your User ID.
If the ID entered at any stage of the process is incorrect
, the system will
respond with an "Incorrect ID" voice message, followed by an "Enter ID"
voice prompt. Enter your User ID. (Note
: After three incorrect ID entries,
the system will respond with an "Incorrect ID" voice message, followed by
an "Access Denied" voice message, and telephone access to the system
will be denied for a preprogrammed interval of time.)