Operating instructions

© 1985, 1986, 1987 E-mu Systems, Inc. Page 126
MIDI is a way of exchanging musical information between various electronic music
instruments. If you are not familiar with MIDI, read the “MIDI Supplement” section before
Please remember that MIDI was devised with analog synthesizers in mind, and that the
Emulator II voice is not like a standard analog synthesizer voice. A Preset is actually
much closer to what the MIDI specification had in mind for an individually addressable
channel, so the Emulator II stores MIDI parameters with each Preset. Different Presets
can be set to send or receive on different MIDI channels.
1. With all modules de-activated, select the Current Preset. This Preset will contain the
default MIDI parameters (see Appendix B), which you may now proceed to change for
your particular application. Note that different Presets can have different MIDI
2. With the Preset Definition module active, key in 30. The display says:
MIDI Setup Menu
Use Slider A
...and the ENTER light will be lit. Move Slider A to identify the various MIDI options. At
the bottom of the slider travel, the display says:
Basic Channel: 01
Press (01 – 16)
This is the default channel over which this particular Emulator II Preset will send and
receive MIDI information. To change channels, press the appropriate keypad buttons.
3. Moving Slider A upwards gives this display next:
MIDI Mode: Omni
Use Slider D
Slider D selects how the Emulator II responds to MIDI information:
= Ignores all MIDI information
= Accepts MIDI information coming in on any channel
= Accepts MIDI information only on the basic channel (specified