Installation guide

You will see the control bar during video playback as in the following figure:
This bar allows playback control by following operation method:
PIP View
Displays real-time video and playback video simultaneously in
PIP (picture in picture) view.
4 Split View
Displays playback video in 4-split view.
1+ 7 Split View
Displays playback video in 1+7 split view.
9 Split View
Displays playback video in 9-split view.
Previous Segment
Plays back the recorded video by one hour
Plays backward faster
Stops the video playback
Pauses the video playback
Starts the video playback
Fast Forward
Plays forward faster
Next Segment
Plays forward the recorded video by one hour
Calendar Menu
Goes back to Calendar Menu
Play Menu
Goes back to Play Menu
Event Search
Goes to Search Menu
Play Bar
Shifts the bar to select the playback time from the recorded
video data you would like to review.