User's Manual

Understanding The Charging Mechanism
Note 1: The Charger is powered by the battery connected to DC Output (CH1) and also
supplied by CH2 or CH3 if available. The display will turn o to save power when Input
Channel CH2 and CH3 are out of operating range.
Operating from a Start Battery / Alternator (CH3)
Normal Operation:
Input Battery / Source
12V Input 24V Input
Input Voltage Range 10.5V – 16.0V 21.0– 32.0V
Normal Start-Up Voltage (Note A) > 13.2V > 26.4V
Normal Under Voltage Recovery Voltage (Note A) > 12.8V > 25.6V
Ignition Sense Terminal
Ignition Sense Terminal must see
a minimum of 10.5V to trigger low
voltage “Priority Mode”.
Low Start-Up Voltage (using Ignition Sense Terminal or
using Manual Over-ride setting) (Note B)
> 12.3V > 24.6V
Low Under Voltage Recovery Voltage (Note B) > 12.0V > 24.0V
De-Rated Voltage (with load) (Note C) 11. 5 V 23.0V
Under Voltage Shutdown (with load) 10.5V 21.0V
Over Voltage Shutdown 16.0V 32.0V
Over Voltage Recovery 15.5V 31.0V
Input Battery System Reset Voltage (NoteD) < 7V < 7V
Maximum Input Current - EN3DC40+ 30A 30A
Note A:
When the battery is charging through CH3 with normal operation (not through Ignition
or override setting), the charger will charge for 3 minutes, it will then rest for 5 seconds to
verify the Input voltage.
During the 5 seconds rest period, if the measured voltage is >12.8Vdc on a 12V System
(>25.6Vdc on a 24V system), the unit will continue the charging cycle through CH3.
If the measured voltage on CH3 is <12.8Vdc (<25.6Vdc on a 24V system), the unit will
disconnect from the vehicle source and switch back to charge from CH2 (solar if installed)
until the CH3 voltage returns to >13.2Vdc on a 12V System (>26.4V on a 24V system).
Also, during the 3 minutes charging process, if the measured terminal voltage drops below
<11.5V for a 12V system, (<23V for a 24V system), the charger will start to derate the output Page 21