User's Manual

Choose the image quality of the new video. High quality will use more memory and 5.
the output file will be bigger.
Select the format of the output video (“Aspect Ratio”). Choose “Full” if you want 6.
the output video to include the whole original image. Black bands will be added
if necessary. “4:3” will fill the whole screen (“Pan & Scan”), but some part of the
image may be removed from the video. Finally “16:9” for panoramic.
The “Scope” section allows you to delimitate the start and end of the input video. 7.
By default, the input video will be converted from start to end.
Press “Save” to add the video recoding to the list of pending jobs. Note: you 8.
can add as many convertion jobs as you like, in order to convert several videos
automatically. When you are done adding jobs, press the “Close” button.
Press “Convert Now” to start the job queue. If more than one job is present they 9.
will be performed sequentially.
Once finished, press “Close” to exit the application.10.
Connect your MP4 Energy™ to the computer (check the user manual section “PC 11.
CONNECTION”) and copy the new AVI file(s) inside your desired folder