
Energy MP4 Sport 8GB 2508 Deep Black
Ref: 396603EAN: 8432426396603
Plays MP3 / WMA music.
262.000 colors LCD TFT screen.
Plays videos in AMV format.
6 equalization modes.
Adaptable sport earphones.
Auto-adjustable sport armband with access to the player controls.
Useful back clip to attach the player to your clothes.
Built-in FM tuner with presets and direct recording.
Digital voice recording with the built-in microphone.
Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery.
MP4 Player Energy  2508 8GB Deep Black.
User Manual.
Adaptable sport earphones.
Auto-adjustable sport armband.
User CD.
USB 2.0 Hi-Speed cable for charging and connecting to the PC.