User's Manual

Table Of Contents
is not precise.
Aggregation Aggregation is to merge the typical size of data’s header to one
data. It is useful for the small size but more packets.
Wireless Traffic
Place a check to enable Wireless Traffic Shaping function.
Incoming Traffic Limit Specify the wireless transmission speed for incoming traffic.
Outgoing Traffic Limit Specify the wireless transmission speed for outgoing traffic.
Accept / Cancel Press Accept to confirm the changes or Cancel to return
previous settings.
Please make note of the following:
1. Accept does not apply the changes you must go to Status -> Save / Load to apply
the new settings. Please refer to Chapter 4.1 for more information.
2. Changing Wireless Advanced Settings may lower the wireless connection quality.
Please keep all settings as default unless you understand the modifications which you
have made.
7.4 Wireless MAC Filter
Wireless MAC Filter is used to Allow or Deny wireless clients, by their MAC addresses, from
accessing the network. You can manually add a MAC address to restrict the access