User manual

WEP Encryption:
WEP Encryption
Authentication Type
Please ensure that your wireless clients use the same authentication type.
Key type
ASCII: Using characters from the ASCII standard (recommended)
HEX: Uses hexadecimal characters.
Key Length
The amount of bits the WEP key will use.
64 Bit - data is encrypted, using the default key, before being transmitted. You must enter
at least the default key. For 64 Bit Encryption, the key size is 10 chars in HEX (0~9 and A~F).
128 Bit - data is encrypted, using the default key, before being transmitted. You must enter
at least the default key. For 128 Bit Encryption, the key size is 26 chars in HEX (0~9 and A~F).
Default Key
Select the key you wish to be the default. Transmitted data is ALWAYS encrypted using the
Default Key; the other Keys are for decryption only.
You must enter a Key Value for the Default Key.
Encryption Key #
Enter the key value or values you wish to use. Only the Key selected as Default is required. The
others are optional.