User manual

SNMP Active
Enable or disable the SNMP feature.
SNMP Version
You may select the SNMP version you want to deploy.
All: Interoperability between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c devices.
v1: The standard SNMP version.
v2c: Improvement in performance and security of SNMPv1.
Read Community
Specify the password for access the SNMP community for read only access.
Set Community
Specify the password for access to the SNMP community with read/write access.
System Location
Specify the location of the device.
System Contact
Specify the contact details of the device
Trap Active
Enable or disable SNMP trapping feature.
Trap Manager IP
Specify the IP address of the computer that will receive the SNMP traps.
Trap Community
Specify the password for the SNMP trap community.