Operation Manual

The Statistics page displays general information about
the Switch in terms of its ports and packet transmis-
statistics are displayed.
Drop Events:
Displays the number of dropped events
that have occurred on the port.
Displays the sample number from which
the statistic taken.
Displays the number of octets received on
the port.
Broadcast Pkts:
Displays the number of good broadcast
packets received on the port. This number
does not include Multicast packets.
Multicast Pkts:
Displays the number of good Multicast
packets received on the port.
CRC & Align Errors:
Displays the number of CRC and Align er-
rors that have occurred on the port.
Undersize Pkts:
Displays the number of undersized packets
(less than 64 octets) received on the port.
Oversize Pkts:
Displays the number of oversized packets
Displays the number of fragments received
on the port.
Displays the total number of received pack-
Displays the number of collisions received
on the port.
Pkts of 64 Octets:
Displays the number of 64-byte frames
received on the port.
Pkts of 65 to 127
Displays the number of 65 to 127 byte
packets received on the port.
Pkts of 128 to
255 Octets:
packets received on the port.
Pkts of 256 to
511 Octets:
Displays the number of 256 to 511 byte
packets received on the port.
Pkts of 512 to
1023 Octets:
Displays the number of 512 to 1023 byte
packets received on the port.
Pkts of 1024 to
1522 Octets:
Displays the number of 1024 to 1522 byte
packets received on port.