User's Manual

Wireless Security
security modes
Secuirty Mode: Including WPA2-PSK and WPA2 Enterprise.
* Setting of WPA2-PSK:
you would like. Please ensure that your wireless clients
use the same settings.
Passphrase: Wireless clients must use the same Key to
associate the device. If using ASCII format, the Key must
Group Key Update Interval: Species how often, in
seconds, the Group Key changes. The default value is 3600.
* Setting of WPA2-Enterprise (Pre-Shared Key):
Encryption: Select the WPA encryption type you would like.
Please ensure that your wireless clients use the same settings.
Radius Server: Enter the IP address of the Radius server.
Radius Port: Enter the port number used for connections
to the Radius server.
Radius Secret: Enter the secret required to connect to the
Radius server.
Radius Accounting: Enable or disable accounting feature.
Radius Accounting Server: Enter the IP address of the