Operator`s manual

A Tip from the Designer:
If you want to control the amplifier via a MIDI system, use jacks 15 and a Looper or MIDI Switcher
(e.g. ENGL Z-11). Use two stereo ¼" cords to connect the ENGL MIDI Switcher Z-11 (optional). You
can then preset the two switching functions Clean/Lead and Mid Boost via the Switcher, store your
custom switching setups as different MIDI programs and activate the presets via a MIDI board
(e.g. ENGL Z-12).
16 FX Loop Send: Connect the FX Loop output to a signal processor's input/return jack using the
shortest possible shielded cord equipped with ¼” plugs.
17 FX Loop Return: Connect the FX Loop input to a signal processor's output/send jack using the
shortest possible shielded cord equipped with ¼” plugs.
Note: The FX Loop is sited between the preamp and power amp. Inserting a ¼” plug into the
Return jack interrupts the signal path between the preamp and power amp.
18 Balanced Line Out Frequency Compensated: The frequency-corrected, balanced Line output jack
(¼ stereo jack: tip and ring routes the balanced signal, shaft = Ground/Shield). This signal can be
routed directly to a mixing console or a recording unit. The line out is located post poweramp in
the signal chain, so ensure the poweramp is activated.
If you wish to run the amp without driving a speaker, the built-in Power Soak (22) can provide
the necessary load for the power amp. To do this, simply set its Selector to "Speaker Off."
In this mode, you can run the amp without a speaker or cabinet connected, for example,
to the E315 Head's speaker outs. Never use the Power Soak with speakers connected
to the 16-ohm outputs (jacks 20 and 21)!
Heads up: Make sure the balanced cord's shielding is grounded at one end only; that is, either at
the amp or at the mixer or recorder. Connecting two devices to the same ground (e. g. via the
mains ground) can cause a ground loop that you will recognize as audible humming!
You may find it necessary to sever the connection between the shielding and ground on one of the
stereo ¼” cord's two plugs.
A Tip from the Designer:
The Line Outs output level is influenced by the following factors: By the input level (Gain), the
Volume control settings in the Lead channel, to some degree by voicing control settings, and by
the Master volume level. First dial in the desired sound combination at the front panel. Then adjust
levels at FX devices or signal processors (if connected).
Use the respective devices input sensitivity or gain control for level adjustments.
You can also tap the line out signal at this jack using an unbalanced cord with a mono plug;
that is, with one wire carrying the signal and the shielding providing the grounding.
An internal resistor protects the second output against short-circuits.
19 Poweramp Output 8 Ohms: 8 ohms speaker output jack. Connect an 8-ohm cabinet or,
in the case of the Combo E310, its internal speaker here.
The Power Soak circuit sits between this speaker output and the power amp. You'll find some
important info on this circuit in section 22, please read carefully before operating the Power Soak!
CAUTION: The built-in Power Soak (22) may only be used in combination with an 8-ohm speaker
(or the E310 Combo's built-in loudspeaker) connected to jack 19!
20 Poweramp Output A -16 Ohms serial: 16-ohm speaker out, connected internally in series with
Output B (jack 21). Connect a 16-ohm cabinet here (Output A). Two 8-ohm speakers are connected
to Output A (jack 20) and Output B (jack 21), for example a combination of the internal 8-ohm
speaker of the Combo E310 and an external 8-ohm cabinet, e.g. the ENGL models E112 or E412.
CAUTION: If you intend to use a 16-ohm cabinet only, make absolutely certain you connect it to
Output A (jack 20).
Output B (jack 21) is only enabled when a speaker is connected to Output A (jack 20).
The built-in Power Soak (22) does not work with the two 16-ohm speaker outs!
Never activate the Power Soak when a speaker is connected to output A (20) or speakers
are connected to the outputs A and B (jacks 20 and 21)!
Power Soak deactivated (switched off): see chapter 22 for more information.
21 Poweramp Output B - 16 Ohms serial: This is an auxiliary output connected in series with Output A
(jack 20). This output is designed for one application for onlywhen you are driving a combination
of two 8-ohm cabinets/speakers. This output may only be used when an 8-ohm speaker is
connected to Output A (jack 20). (See the example in chapter 20)
NOTE: Never operate the amplifier without a sufficient load, otherwise you may damage or
destroy the power amp!
When set to "Speaker Off," the Power Soak provides an adequate load for the power amp.
Speaker/ cabinet options:
You can connect one 8-ohm cabinet to the 8-Ohm Output (19) in combination with the Power
Soak circuit and select any setting, or connect one 16-ohm cab to Output A (20) or two 8-ohm cabs
to Output A and B (20 and 21) without the internal Power Soak. Selecting the "Full Power" setting
deactivates the Power Soak!