User's Manual

p. 15
01. Getting Started 02. Introducing Neova 03. The Dashboard 04. Support
The Roll lets you control effects from your instrument by rotating your hand in your forearm axis.
Figure 14 displays how to perform the gesture:
figure 14: The Roll motion
The Roll is mostly designed to be used while freeing the hand that wears the ring and playing
with the other. However, you can also trigger the Roll with the Pitch Bend motion.
The Tilt and Roll both use 2 parameters to set their range. The following figures depict how their
range work depending on the hand position:
figures 15: Visual representation of the Tilt and Roll ranges
Zone A: Minimum value.
Zone B: Gradual change between minimum and maximum value.
Zone C: Maximum value.
Both gestures use MIDI Control Change messages to control the connected instrument. Refer
to your Synthetiser or DAW to know which message to send to control the desired parameters.