User's Manual

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TCM 300 / 300C / 320 / 320C
3 .9 Backw a rd com pa t ibilit y t o TCM 2 2 0 C
In Mode 0 TCM 320C is backward compatible to its predecessor TCM 220C.
There are a few minor restrictions of compatibility which are listed here:
Pa r a m eter TCM
2 2 0 C
TCM 3 2 0 C
Maximum current consumption 34 mA 43 mA
Maximum output current of outputs 25 mA 2 mA
(external driver transistor may be needed)
Thickness of module 4.6 mm 5.5 mm
Maximum voltage rating at pin7
(TCM 320C: ADIO6; TCM 220C: IN_5)
6 V 3.6 V
Minimum HIGH voltage level
at input pins
1.55 V 2.0 V
Post master function for systems with
smart acknowledge
No Yes, 15 mail boxes
3 .1 0 Using RVDD
If RVDD is used in an application circuit a serial ferrite bead shall be used and wire length
should be as short as possible (<3 cm). The following ferrite beads have been tested:
74279266 (0603), 74279205 (0805) from Würth. During radio transmission and reception
only small currents may be drawn (I<100 µA).
Pulsed current drawn from RVDD has to be avoided. If pulsed currents are necessary, suffi-
cient blocking has to be provided.