User's Manual

© 2010 EnOcean | TCM 300 / 300C / 320 / 320C User Manual V0.82 | Page 40/43
TCM 300 / 300C / 320 / 320C
I f ORG = 8 ( Telegram fr om a H RC t r ansm it t e r) :
DATA_BYTE2..0 always = 0
DATA_BYTE3 as follows:
7 0
RI D UD PR SR Re served
RID (2 bit) Rocker ID, from left (A) to right (D): 0, 1, 2 and 3
UD (1 bit) UD=1 Æ O-button, UD=0 Æ I-button
PR (1 bit) PR=1 Æ Button pushed, PR=0 Æ Button released
SR (1 bit) SR=1 Æ Store, SR=0 Æ Recall (see note)
Reserved (3 bit) for future use
Note: The bit SR is used only when the lower 3 Bits from ID_BYTE0 = 0b111 (scene
switch), and RID 0 (indicates that the memory buttons M0-M5 are operated in the hand-
held remote control).