User's Manual

STM 320 / STM 320C / STM 320U
Operation start up time with empty
energy store
typ. 2.5 min @ 400 lux / 25°C
incandescent or fluorescent light
Reed contact
1x internal, Meder MK23-90-BV14496 or MK01-I
Radio Regulations
R&TTE EN 300 220 (STM 320)
FCC CFR-47 Part 15 (STM 320C, STM 320U)
2.3 Physical dimensions
Full performance of the PAS614L energy storage is achieved after several days of opera-
tion (up to two weeks) at good illumination level. Performance degrades over life time, es-
pecially if energy storage is exposed to higher temperatures. Each 10 K drop in tempera-
ture doubles the expected life span.
PCB dimensions 43±0.2 x 16±0.3 x 1±0.1 mm
Module height 6 mm
Weight 5.2 g (STM 320), 6.5 g (STM 320C), 5.2 g (STM 320U)