User's Manual

Printing Text
The printer can print text in any color. Small characters are likely to be more readable if they are
formatted as black and printed with the black (K) panel.
Printing Graphics
The printer produces full-color images from most types of graphics. It can use BMP, JPEG,
TIFF, and PNG file formats for photos and logos.
Vector graphics, such as WMF and SVG files, have components such as shapes with lines and
fills. The XPS Card Printer Driver separates each component. Components defined as black in
the file are likely to print with the K panel. For the best appearance of graphics, use a color
close to black, so all parts of a graphic print with YMC panels.
The printer uses the YMC panels of full-color ribbon to print grayscale graphics.
Types of Color Images
Cards can include both color photos and a color logo or text. The logo is usually the same on
each card, and the photo is unique. Follow these guidelines to obtain the best results for printing
both logo and photos:
First, check the color quality of the photos.
Change the image capture system to get the best quality photos; work with
distance, lighting, and camera settings to obtain consistent, high quality photos.
Evaluate the quality of printed photos after the image capture system is optimized.
Use the Color Settings tab in Printer Preferences to adjust the printed output, if
Next, evaluate the other color areas of the card, such as text or logo.
The application might have settings that can help improve the printed color of
text. Image editing applications, such as Photoshop©, can be used to change the
color of a logo file for optimal printing.
If the cards do not have the colors you want, ask your administrator or service provider
for assistance.
Hints & Tips
Cyan is a specific shade of blue.
Full-panel color ribbon can apply color
images anywhere on the card.
Layout for information about
different components, such as a logo
or photo, and how to manage colors.
See "Printing Text" in the
Printing topic for information about
how the driver separates color and
monochrome components for printing.
XPS Card Printer Guide
Datacard Confidential