User's Manual

Table Of Contents
XPS Card Printer Installation and User Guide 145
How to Print a Printer Test Card
The printer includes a test card that runs without using a driver or other source of card data. Use
it to verify that the printer is working.
1. Begin with the printer Ready. The User button shows steady
2. Press the User button to display "Suspended" on Line 1 of the
LCD panel.
3. Press the Enter key to enter the menu system.
4. Press the Enter key to enter the Maintenance menu.
5. Press the Down Arrow key to display "Test Card" on line 2.
6. With Test Card displayed on Line 2, press the Enter key to
display Start on Line 2.
7. Press the Enter key to start the test card.
8. After the card prints, press the User button to return the
printer to Ready.