User's Manual

Table Of Contents
XPS Card Printer Installation and User Guide 53
Messages and Conditions
When the printer cannot process the card sent, it issues a condition. Conditions are displayed on
the LCD display on the Front Panel. In most cases, the driver also displays the condition as a
message. See
Driver Messages for information about the messages the driver displays.
Messages on the Printer
All messages are associated with a card job.
The printer displays a short description and a message number for each message.
If more than one message was issued, the next message is displayed after you correct
the problem and click the User button.
The printer issues messages that focus on recovering from problems. As a result, there
are just a few messages.
If you cancel a job at the printer, the message will be removed from the PC. Any
additional messages for the cancelled job, such as for a broken ribbon, will not appear
on the PC.
Messages on the XPS Card Printer Driver
Messages displayed by the driver are similar to those on the printer.
Messages appear on the PC sending the card.
Messages might be in the background, behind the application sending the card. On
some operating systems, the message might appear in the status bar. Click the icon in
the status bar to open the message.
If more than one message was issued, the next message is displayed after you click the
button to close the current message.
If you have more than one card printer installed on the PC, messages are displayed one
at a time. The title bar of each message shows the printer name.
If you have more than one card printer installed on the PC and both have issued errors,
the XPS Card Printer Driver will display the messages received even if you cleared the
error at the printer.
The driver can issue messages which are not displayed on the printer front panel. See
XPS Card Printer Driver Messages.
Messages on the Printer Manager
The Printer Manager can issue messages which are displayed only in the browser window. Click
the Continue button in Printer Manager to continue working with the printer.
Other Messages
The application you use can display messages.
Other printers can cause messages if more than one model of card printer is installed.
If SP, CP, or similar card printers are installed and use the 7.x Smart Driver, message
DR00914 might be displayed. To correct this, remove the 7.x driver and installed the 4.x
Card Printer Driver.