User's Manual

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XPS Card Printer Installation and User Guide 55
Message 102: Card not in position
The card did not reach the position for the next action, such as printing the
card or ejecting the card.
1. Open the printer and remove the ribbon cartridge.
2. Turn the knob to move the card so the printer can eject it.
3. Replace the ribbon cartridge and close the printer.
Check the ribbon to make sure it is not torn. See
Message 110 to fix the ribbon if needed.
Remove any debris from the print area.
Ask your Manager for assistance if needed.
Message 103: Printer problem
The printer has a problem that prevents it from completing the card.
1. Press the printer Power button to power it off.
2. Press the printer Power button to power it on again.
If the printer works, the problem was temporary.
If the printer does not work, troubleshoot the problem.
Message 104: Critical problem
Press the printer Power button or click OK to power the printer
2. Request service.
The printer needs to remain off due to an internal problem.
Pressing either the Power button or the User button will power off the printer.