Operator's Guide

Table Of Contents
24 Production
 Blue indicates normal operating status.
 Yellow indicates a cautionary condition (low supplies, input passport tray
approaching empty, and so forth).
 Red indicates an error condition or an opened interlock. If an interlock is
opened, the module, controller, and both neighboring modules on the
topology turn red. When you close the interlock, the color changes to blue.
 You may right-click on a module to see a menu for resetting it.
Supply Status
The Production screen displays the status of system supplies.
 Passport trays change color depending on their fill state (white, yellow, red).
An Input tray that is running low on passports turns from white to yellow as
the supply gets low, and to red when the tray is empty. Conversely, an
Output tray is shown as red when full and white when empty.
 The Inkjet and Overlay modules have an icon with a gauge that displays the
state of the supply quantity. When the supplies are exhausted, the icon
changes and an error message displays.
 The supply type and status display when you use the mouse to roll over the
supply icons. Smart supplies display correctly, but for other supplies the
name is whatever name or names are associated with that RFID value or it is
determined by the data given to the machine.