
Typical Unit Installation
Unit Location
Locate the unit in an indoor area that allows for easy
removal of the filter and access panels. Location should
have enough space for service personnel to perform
maintenance or repair. Provide sufficient room to make
water, electrical and duct connection(s). If the unit is
located in a confined space, such as a closet, provisions
must be made for return air to freely enter the space
by means of a louvered door, etc. Any access panel
screws that would be difficult to remove after the unit
is installed should be removed prior to setting the unit.
On horizontal units, allow adequate room below the unit
for a condensate drain trap and do not locate the unit
above supply piping. Care should be taken when units are
located in unconditioned spaces to prevent damage from
frozen water lines and excessive heat that could damage
electrical components.
Installing Vertical Units
Prior to setting the unit in place, remove and discard
the compressor hold down shipping bolt located at the
front of the compressor mounting bracket. Vertical units
are available in left or right air return configurations. Top
flow vertical units should be mounted level on a vibration
absorbing pad slightly larger than the base to provide
isolation between the unit and the floor. It is not necessary
to anchor the unit to the floor. Bottomflow units should
be mounted level and sealed well to floor to prevent air
leakage. Bottomflow units require the supply air opening
to be cut at least 1/2˝ larger than the units' air outlet.
Protect the edges of combustible flooring with sheet metal
over-wrap or other non-combustible material.
WARNING: Before performing service or maintenance
operations on a system, turn off main power switches to
the indoor unit. If applicable, turn off the accessory heater
power switch. Electrical shock could cause personal injury.
Installing and servicing heating and air conditioning
equipment can be hazardous due to system pressure and
electrical components. Only trained and qualified service
personnel should install, repair or service heating and air
conditioning equipment. Untrained personnel can perform
the basic maintenance functions of cleaning coils and
cleaning and replacing filters.
All other operations should be performed by trained
service personnel. When working on heating and air
conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the
literature, tags and labels attached to the unit and other
safety precautions that may apply. Follow all safety codes.
Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use a quenching
cloth for brazing operations and have a fire extinguisher
90 deg elbow with vanes
on supply
Sealed low velocity
Canvas connector
Flexible water and
electrical connections
Vibration absorbing pad
Acoustic lining
to elbow
Envision Application Notes cont.