User's Manual

Redial: The down key for item selection on the menu.
ICC: ICC stands for Indian Calling Card and this key has specific number for each region. This
key is able to work only under “Insert Coin” status on LCD and don’t work at other status.
1.3 Coin Selector
The below picture is shown coin selector structure. The specification of it is as follows.
- Supports 1 Rs and 5 Rs.
- Maximum two coins for 1Rs and 5Rs. Under maximum insertion like two 1Rs and two 5Rs,
when a user inserts coin, it will be refunded.
- If a user inserts coins within 1 sec between coins, they will be just refund to avoid coins
1.4 Coin Box
A coin box installed at bottom of ICCB can store 500 coins for 5Rs. internally, whenever coins
drop into coin box, Coin Counter increase by one and it let “Box Full” message come out when it
would reach 500 coins and a user cannot make a call under this message. At this moment, a
shop keeper (an operator ) can initial this coin counter with removing coins from coin box. To