Technical Specs

key, fast forward (press and hold right direction key) and rewind (press and hold left direction key). In audio
player interface, you can press up and down direction key to control volume.
5.9 Internet
You can use the function to view web pages and search for information on the web before you connecting
to the internet. When you open Internet, your home page opens. The web address (URL) of the current page
is displayed at the top of the window.
6 Appendix
Appendix 1Troubleshooting
If you find exceptions when operating the mobile phone, restore the factory settings and then refer to the
following table to solve the problem. If the problem persists, contact the distributor or service provider.
Fault Cause Solution
SIM card error
The SIM card
is damaged.
Contact your network service provider
The SIM card
is not in
Check the SIM card