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EPOS Manager
Empower your business anywhere
Save valuable time and make life simpler and smarter for your IT
department, your business and your colleagues. By keeping you in
touch with all your EPOS devices, EPOS Manager puts you in control
of your companys UC environment in three key areas:
Asset Management
Get the overview
See all your devices on the dashboard; from headsets to speakerphones
and even non-EPOS devices. All users are registered in the system, which
shows both active and inactive devices – who is using which device and
how they are being used. Simply reallocate redundant resources to boost
productivity. Reports on usage and rmware compliance keep you in
complete control of company assets.
Update Management
Less downtime, more convenience
A exible and cost-eective way to get the latest rmware updates to all
your organizations EPOS devices, whenever it’s convenient for you and your
end-users. Push new updates to an unlimited number of devices across
your organization from one simple dashboard. Schedule your automated
updates to cause minimum downtime and disruption to your company’s
Conguration Management
Easy for you, easy for end-users
The centralized conguration option allows all settings to be controlled from
the IT department, ensuring that headset user’s experience a simple plug
and play solution. You can centrally push congurations or lock specic
specications on EPOS devices to comply with regulatory compliance
settings for specic groups or individuals.
EPOS Manager
for IT administrators
EPOS Manager has been developed for
companies with a need to control their
UC environment in a fast and secure way.
By installing the client application, EPOS
Connect, on your end users’ PCs, you gain a
complete overview of all deployed devices
and access to new updates and settings.
For companies with several locations, it’s
possible to manage, update and control
settings for all end-users in the entire
organization. For improved security, all
communication and data are encrypted and
no sensitive data is stored.
The resulting simplication of the asset,
update and conguration management gives
great savings in both time and money.
EPOS Connect
for headset users
EPOS Connect is the client application
running in the background on the headset
user’s PC. The solution ensures that
EPOS headsets and speakerphones work
seamlessly with various leading softphones
and give you access to the latest rmware
updates and personalized settings.
EPOS Connect is uniquely congured
to either work together with a signed-up
company account on EPOS Manager or
as a stand-alone application for smaller
companies or personal use.
Designed to be simple to use, the application
allows EPOS headset and speakerphone users
to enhance and personalize their experience
and productivity simply and quickly.
ADAPT Headset Solutions 41