User Manual

EPSON Stylus Color 440/640/740 Revision A
Chapter 5 Adjustment 152
Figure 5-34. Bi-D ADjustment Pattern Sample
By using the Up/Down key, select
on the Bi-D adjustment
menu (Figure 5-32). Then the screen below appears.
Figure 5-35. Bi-D Value Input Menu
The value
(blue) appears in the center of the screen and changes
up/down every time you press the Up/Down arrow key. Using the
keys, apply the number for the most properly aligned pattern in the
Bi-D adjustment pattern print.
After you set the value correctly, press the Enter key, and the
program stores the selected value.
Press the Esc key once. The current screen returns to the Bi-D
adjustment menu. (See Figure 5-32.)
Repeat the procedure from Step3 to Step9 until the Bi-D adjustment
pattern is correct.
200 CPS Bi-D Pattern : Data = -2
200 CPS Bi-D Pattern : Data = 0
200 CPS Bi-D Pattern : Data = 2
Left Gap
Right Gap
M S-D O S P rom pt-SC 640
E s c : P re v io u s U p /D o w n : S e le c t E n te r: O K
Select an adjustm ent value w ith the U p/D ow n arrow keys.
200 C PS Bi-D Adjustm ent
N o te :
The inform ation provided in this service tool is com m on for the Stylus C olor 440, 640,
and 740 except for som e printer specific inform ation such as ink counter lim its.