User`s guide

html.bk Rev. F
TIPS.FM A5 size
Proof Sign-off:
KOW N.Mizuno H.Tomizawa
NOC K. Lee
If there is a server or a router which acts as a gateway, enter
the address of the server or the router. If there is no gateway,
enter the IP address of your computer as a gateway address.
2. Assume that you want to reach to the computer having the IP
address “”. Check that the computer is
reachable by “pinging” it from the command line:
3. If the computer is reachable, you can see the following result
(the exact form of the message depends on your operating
system, and the time may vary):
64 bytes from 192:168:100:101:icmp_seq=0.
4. If the computer is unreachable, you may see something like
PING 192:168:100:101:56 data bytes
If you press Ctrl-C, you may see something like this:
192:168:100:101 PING Statistics
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received,
100% packet loss
Again, the exact wording of the message you see may differ
from this, depending on your operating system. If you cannot
“ping” the computer, check the following:
The address in the ping command is correct.
The Ethernet connection to the computer has been made
correctly, and all hubs, routers, etc. are switched on.
Setting and checking the new IP address
To set the new IP address of the network interface which you have
obtained from your network administrator, use the ping
command and arp command with the -s flag (create an ARP