User`s guide

html.bk Rev. F
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Proof Sign-off:
KOW N.Mizuno H.Tomizawa
NOC K. Lee
4. Click Security Level under Network. Make the following
5. Click Basic under TCP/IP.
Items Explanations
Security Level Select the security level from the list.
If you are using EpsonNet 802.11g Wireless
Ext. Print Server in the Ad Hoc mode, you
cannot use WPA-Personal (TKIP) for the
security level.
WEP Authentication
Select an authentication algorithm: Open
System, Shared Key, or Automatic.
(This item is dimmed when WPA-Personal
(TKIP) is selected for the security level.)
WEP Settings (appears for WEP-64bit or WEP-128bit security level)
Input using hex Select this check box to set the WEP Key in
WEP Key (1 to 4) When you select 64 bit(40 bit) for the length,
you can set up to 4 WEP Keys. When you
select 128 bit(104bit), you can set only one
WEP Key.
For 64bit and ASCII, enter 5 characters.
For 64bit and Hex, enter 10 digit values.
For 128bit and ASCII, enter 13 characters.
For 128bit and Hex, enter 26 digit values.
The WEP Key disappears after the network
interface is configured. Therefore, do not
forget the WEP Key you have set.
Active WEP Key Select one WEP Key as an active key before
enabling use of encryption.
WPA Settings (appears for WPA-Personal security level)
Password Enter the password for WPA-Personal
authentication (8 to 63 characters).
Password (again) Enter the password again.