
Updating to Windows Me
If you have upgraded your computers operating system from
Windows 95 or 98 to Windows Me, you must uninstall your
printer software and then install it again. Uninstall the printer
software by double-clicking the Add/Remove Programs icon in
the Windows Control Panel and selecting EPSON Printer
Software from the list. Click the Add/Remove button and then
OK in the dialog box that appears. Then, install the printer
software again.
Updating the Driver in Windows XP,
Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0
When you update the printer driver in Windows XP,
Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0, please be sure to uninstall
the previous printer driver before you install the new driver.
Installing over the existing printer driver results in a failure to
update. To uninstall the printer driver, double-click the
Add/Remove Programs icon in the Windows Control Panel.
The Change/Remove Programs properties dialog box appears.
Select EPSON Printer Software from the list, click
Change/Remove (Windows XP and 2000) or Add/Remove
(Windows NT 4.0), and then OK. Then, install the printer
software again.
Uninstalling the Printer Software
Follow the instructions below to uninstall the EPSON printer
driver and utilities for Windows.
1. Double-click the My Computer icon then double-click the
Control Panel.