user manual

IC cards
Optional cards that can be plugged into either of the two slots on the
Returns the printer to its defaults (fixed set of conditions).
The connection between the printer and the computer. A parallel
interface transmits data one character or code at a time, and a serial
interface transmits data one bit at a time.
international characters
Accented letters, symbols and other characters that are commonly
used in a particular country.
A typestyle in which the characters slant. This sentence is italicized.
Printing that is oriented sideways on the page. This orientation
gives you a page that is wider than it is high and is useful for
printing spreadsheets.
Letter Quality
One of two print qualities available on your printer. Letter Quality
increases the print quality and reduces the print speed. See also
line space
The distance between lines of text.
Light-Emitting Diode. A semiconductor device that emits light.
Used for indicator lights on the panel of your printer.
LED display
Display which is constructed from an LED array. They are used as
two-digit counters on the panel of your printer.
Glossary 5