
* Route Video (ROUT VID)
Adjusts Video Source Destinations.
Step 1:
Press the ROUT VID button.
Step 2:
Select an Input Source by clicking one of the options, or or and then select an
Output Destination for the selected source.
The default setting is the MAC Instructor Computer (Input Source) directed to the
SMARTBoard Main Display, Display 2 and Display 3 (output destinations).
The Combo, DVD/VCR can ONLY be routed to Display 3.
If you want to route a laptop to the SMARTBoard, select Laptop as the Input Source and
SMARTBoard as the output destination.
* Route Audio (ROUT AUD)
Controls Audio Source and Destinations.
Step 1:
Press the ROUT AUD button.
Step 2:
Select the desired Audio Source, and then select the desired destination for the selected
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 2:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Press the ROUT VID button.
Select an Input Source by clicking one of the options, or or and then select an Output
Destination for the selected source.
The default setting is the MAC Instructor Computer (Input Source) directed to the
SmartBoard Main Display, Display 2 and Display 3 (output destinations).
The Combo, DVD/VCR can ONLY be routed to Display 3.
If you want to route a laptop to the SmartBoard, select Laptop as the Input Source and SmartBoard
as the
output destination.
* Route Audio (ROUT AUD)
Controls Audio Source and Destinations.
Press the ROUT AUD button.
Select the desired Audio Source, and then select the desired destination for the selected source.
Appendix IV: Using the Crestron Remote Control to Route Video and Audio 24