
Schools and universities
As the importance of multimedia educational content increases, in both schools and
universities, the need for fast and cost-effective CD/DVD duplication also increases.
With the ability to duplicate up to 30 CDs per hour and more than 10,000 per year,
the Epson Discproducer™ is ideally suited to the demands of the educational sector.
Software and IT companies
Any software or IT company that regularly produces customer-specific CD/DVD
batches will want to know about the Epson Discproducer™. Whether it’s software
updates, service packs, multimedia product presentations or data archiving, the
Epson Discproducer™ will make an important contribution to the reduction of labour
and process costs.
Pre-press services
Companies working in the field of digital pre-press will find the Epson Discproducer™
invaluable for quickly and conveniently burning work onto visual storage media. With
the amazing photo-quality performance of the 6-colour Micro Piezo™ inkjet printer, they
can also demonstrate their own creative and quality standards.
Many data types
Working with the Epson Discproducer™ is as easy as working with an ordinary office
printer. Whatever volume of data you need to burn – and whatever type, from music
and photos to videos and multimedia presentations – you’ll find perfect results at your
High-end print technology and robotics
The quality of any system is a function of the technology inside it. As the only manu-
facturer in the world that designs, develops and markets both inkjet printers and
industrial precision robots, Epson offers the perfect blend of expertise and experience
to set new standards in price-performance with products such as the Epson
As well as the stand-alone version of the product, Epson is developing a network-
compatible version of the Discproducer™, featuring additional security functions. It will
be available in 2008.