User`s guide

Restrictions on copying
Observe the following restrictions to ensure responsible and legal use of your product.
Copying of the following items is prohibited by law:
Bank bills, coins, government-issued marketable securities, government bond securities, and municipal securities
Unused postage stamps, pre-stamped postcards, and other official postal items bearing valid postage
Government-issued revenue stamps, and securities issued according to legal procedure
Exercise caution when copying the following items:
Private marketable securities (stock certificates, negotiable notes, checks, etc.), monthly passes, concession
tickets, etc.
Passports, driver’s licenses, warrants of fitness, road passes, food stamps, tickets, etc.
Copying these items may also be prohibited by law.
Responsible use of copyrighted materials
Epson encourages each user to be responsible and respectful of the copyright laws when using any EPSON product.
While some countries' laws permit limited copying or reuse of copyrighted material in certain circumstances, those
circumstances may not be as broad as some people assume. Contact your legal advisor for any questions regarding
copyright law.
Restriction on disassembling and decompiling
You may not disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of any software included with this