Technical data

Table Of Contents
Section 3: IBM Emulation Mode Printer Commands
that selects a right margin beginning at column 63, the right margin of each
printed page begins at column 63. The margin remains constant until a right
margin command with a different value resets the margin, or the printer is reset.
In this section, command parameters are indicated by a lowercase n. Usage
Notes explain how to compute this parameter.
Command Structure
The printer commands use ASCII; the decimal and hexadecimal digits are
shown for your convenience.
Most commands have the following structure (spaces have been added for
readability; do not include spaces when you type the command):
ESC & a n C data
& Parameterized character from ASCII table range 33-47 decimal.
a Group character from ASCII table range 96-126 decimal that
specifies a group type of control.
n Value within specified numeric range, from ASCII table range
48-57, 45, 46 decimal. If a value is not specified, a value of 0
is assumed.
C Termination character from ASCII table range 64-90
(47-122 w/chaining) decimal.
data Binary 8-bit data (from graphics, and so on). The value field
specifies the number of bytes of binary data.