User's Manual

98 - Troubleshooting
Temperature Indicator
· Refer to the section on [When the Indicators Provide No Help] on the following page if the
Indicators appear normal but the projected image is defective.
· Contact your dealer or nearest address provided at page 121 if an Indicator status not
covered by the above table is apparent.
Indicator Status Cause Recovery and Status Reference
Illuminated in
Excessive internal
· Use the projector within the permissible
temperature range of between 5 degrees
Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius.
· Install the projector in a well-ventilated place
and ensure that the ventilation inlet and
outlet are not blocked.
· Clean the Air Filter. 109
Blinking in Red Internal error Cease operations, remove the Power Plug
from the socket and contact your dealer or
nearest address provided at page 121 and
request repairs.
Blinking in
cooling in progress
· (This is not an error, but the projector will
automatically cease operating if the
temperature increases any further.)
· Use the projector within the permissible
temperature range of between 5 degrees
Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius.
· Install the projector in a well-ventilated place
and ensure that the ventilation inlet and
outlet are not blocked.
· Clean the Air Filter. 109
Extinguished (Not an error)
The power has not been switched on or nor-
mal projection is in progress.