User's Manual

Disk Operating System. The generic term for the operating
system software that controls a computer and directs its input
and output functions. See also MS-DOS and Operating system.
Intel processor designation. DXprocessors have 32-bit data and
address buses with 8KB of cache memory and a math
coprocessor built into the chip. DX2 processors are identical to
DXprocessors except the internal clock speed is twice as fast as
the external processor. See also Pentium and SX.
Expanded memory
Memory that specially written MS-DOS programs can use
when an expanded memory manager program maps that
memory into an accessible area.
Extended memory
Memory above 1MB that is accessed by 386 or 486
microprocessors when they are operating in protected or
virtual mode. This memory is available to OS/ 2 programs, but
is available to MS-DOS only if an extended memory manager
program is installed. See also Expandedmemory and OS/2.
To prepare a new disk (or an old one you want to reuse) so that
the data you store on it can be used by your operating system.
Formatting divides a disk into tracks and sectors and creates
addressable locations where your operating system can find the
4 Glossary