Setup guide

Setting the Hard Disk Drive(s)
The SETUP program lets you select the type of hard disk
drive(s) installed in your computer. If you have two hard disk
drives, the first one is C and the second one is D. Be sure to
choose the correct setting for both drives.
Follow these guidelines:
If your system does not have a hard disk, select
for drives C and D. If you have only one hard
disk drive, select
Not installed for drive
If your computer came with an Epson 120MB hard disk
drive (or if you installed this drive yourself), select number
for drive C.
If you have installed
another type of hard disk drive, you
need to select the drive type number that matches your
drive. See “Hard Disk Drive Types” below.
Hard Disk Drive Types
If you have installed a hard disk in your computer that is not
the standard Epson 120MB drive (type 39), you need to select
the correct type number to match your drive.
The following table lists the types of standard hard disk drives
you can use. Check this table and the documentation supplied
with your hard disk to find the correct type number for your
drive. (Your drive’s documentation should list all the
parameters necessary to identify it in this table.) If none of the
types listed matches your drive, see “Defining your own drive
type,” below.
Running the SETUP Program